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Hi Friends, I am Sandeep CC and some people know me as System Administrator. I have started my professional career from 2008. I have been working as System Administrator on Linux Server and Windows Client. I am here to share my Knowledge in which I have experienced and which I have come across till now, It could be help to you people. In case anything wrong or any improvements in my post steps, Please comment to the post, Feel free to contact me by posting comments on this blog. Thanks and Regards, Sandeep CC

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Linux Basic & Networking Commands

Hi Friends Check Basic & Networking Linux Commands,


1. history|head -n 100 [ For no of showing commands]
2. history [ History commands ]
3. mail [ Check mails ]
4. hostname [ Check hostname ]
5. ifconfig [ Check network configuration ] {In Root Previlage}
6. setup [ Setting network (IP) ]
7. service start/stop/restart/status [Strat/stop/restart the services]
8. ping [ Check network connection between 2 computers ]
9. iptables [ Regarding firewall ]
10. init 0 [ Shutdown ]
11. init 6 [ Restart ]
12. useradd < name > [ Create user account ]
13. passwd < user name > [ Set password for user ]
14. chkconfig [ updates and queries runlevel information for system services ]
15. chkconfig service_name on [ keep service continuesly on ]
16. cd < directory name > [ Change directory ]
17. ls -l [ list directory contents ]
18. cat < File name > [ Show file contents ]
19. mkdir < directory name > [ Create directory ]
20. touch < file name > [ Create file ]
21. vi < file name > [ Edit the file ]
22. rm < file name > [ Remove the file ]
23. clear [ Clean/Clear the desktop/shell ]
24. more < about name > [ Viewing more thing about that ]
25. man [ Meaning of the Concept ]
26. logout [ Logout from user account ]
27. shutdown [ Shutdown system ]
28. login [ Loging as user ]
29. cd .. [ Go to one step back (back directory) ]
30. su -l < user name > [ Switch user with password]
31. pwd [ Shows present working directoy ]
32. cp < Source file name > [ Copy the file ]
33. mv < Source file name > [ Move the files or directory ]
34. df [ Disk space ]
35. hostname [ Check system name ]
36. last [ Show listing of last logged in users ]
37. less [ Check for last some sentence of the file ]
38. crontab -eu < user name >[ Scheduling the job ]
39. date < dd/mm/yy > [ Check date ]
40. exit [ Exit from contents ]
41. whereis [ Locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command ]
42. who [ Show who is logged on ]
43. echo [ display a line of text ]
44. which [ shows the full path of (shell) commands ]
45. dig [ DNS lookup utility ]
46. bc [ Calculator ]
47. mesg n [ control write access to your terminal ]
48. diff [ Difference between 2 files ]
49. grep < cat /etc/services|grep i ftp > [ Check for word ]
50. ps [ Check system proccess ]
51. du < file name > [ Check file uses space ]
52. chown [ Change file owner and group ]
53. chmod < -R > < u+rwx,g+rwx,o+rwx > < file name > [ Set the permission for file ]
(drw-r----- [file/directory permissions has show on)
(l --> Link, d --> Directory, p --> Pipe, c --> character device, b --> Block device)
(Permissions in NO's Read=4, Write=2, Executable=1)
54. tail < file name > [ It will show files last ten sentence ]
55. printenv < file name > [ print all or part of environment ]
56. tty [ Check for which terminal connected to which user ]
57. stty [ Change and print terminal line settings ]
58. rmdir < Directory name > [ Remove the directory ]
59. top [ Check system Process ]
60. mount < file name > [ Mount the file, file system ]
61. cal [ Display the calender ]
62. wc < file name > [ Word, Line, Carrector will count ]
63. route [ Show/manipulate the IP routing table ]
64. users [ It will show current user path ]
65. printf [ format and print data ]
66. uname [ Check OS version ]
67. cmp < file name 1 > < file name 2 > [ compare two files]
68. comm < file name 1 > < file name 2 > [ compare two sorted files line by line ]
69. netconfig < at root user only > [ Setup network configuration ]
70. alias < c=clear >[ Setup alias ]
71. vi /root/.bashrc [ This is for perment setting alias ] {In root previlage}
72. tar -cvf < file name.tar > [ Backup ]
73. fdisk -l [ Check for partitions ]
74. history -c [Clear full history commands]
75. startx [GUI mode]
76. init tab [Set the Run Level for GUI-5 & for Command Mode-3]
77. useradd -g [Add User to Group]
78. groupadd [create group]
79. groupmod [change group name]
80. rm -rf [Delete user home directory from /home directory]
81. userdel -r [this cmd will delete user with user's home directory from /home]
82. rm -rf [removing main directory with sub directory at a time]
83. smbpasswd [Create Samba user, normal user should be create before sbm user]
84. smbpasswd -x [Delete only Smb user]
85. df -h [check partitions, mounted partitions]
86. cat /etc/passwd | mksmbpasswd.sh > /etc/samba/smbpasswd (Recover /etc/samba smbpasswd file)
86. vi /root/.bashrc (setup for perment alias)
87. crontab -e 15 15 * * * /sbin/shutdown -h now [Setup cronjob for shutdown]
88. crontab -e 12 12 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r now [Setup cronjob for reboot]
89. # /etc/init.d/iptables start/restart/stop/status [Start the iptables file /etc/sysconfig/iptables]
90. rpm -i [Install rpm package]
91. [find Installed rpm package]
92. rpm -e |grep [Uninstall rpm package]
93. ls -ltr -filename* [find files in directory]
94. ps -aef [Check all running process ID's]
95. ps -aef |grep [Check Particular Process ID]
96. find |grep [Find word in file]
97. Command | grep [find word in command exp: ifconfig want to find 00:19:D1:13:A6:EE MAC then we can use]
98. cat \etc\service [All Port No, available]
99. system-config-network
100. du -hs [Check directory/folder size]
101. netstat -l [less will show currently listening servers]
102. mount[server share directory] /home/sandeep/[client directory] [NFS share/mount directorys]
103. umount[server share directory] /home/sandeep/[client directory] [NFS share/unmount directorys]
104. uname -a [Check Linux Machine name as well as OS version 32/64 bit]
105 rpcinfo -p [check running port No]
106 cat /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases [Check connected clients to DHCP server]
107. service --status-all [Check all Running services]
108. free [Check RAM Size : free -k/m/g]
109. cat /proc/meminfo [Check Memory Size]
110. cat /proc/cpuinfo [Check Processor Details]
111. /usr/share/squid/errors/English [Modify all Squid Error/Warning notice]
112. ssh -l [Access remotely computer via command mode]
113. locate [Find File in whole system]
114. setenforce 0 [Disabling SELinux]
115. setenforce 1 [Enabling SELinux]
116. testparm -s [Check Error with Samba Server]
117. netstat -a [Check server/service Process running or not Ex: netstat -a | grep ftp]
118. rpm -ivh httpd-2.2.3-22.el5.i386.rpm apr-1.2.7-11.i386.rpm apr-util-1.2.7-7.el5.i386.rpm postgresql-libs-8.1.11-1.el5_1.1.i386.rpm [HTTPD CONFIGURATION]

119. Killing Particular session TTY
ps -ft [Session ID/No] Exp ps -ft pts/1
kill -9 PID of session

120. htpasswd /etc/squid/squid_password sandeep [add HTTP user/password for squid]

121. mount -o remount,rw /etc [In single user mode edit FSTAB file with write permission]

122. parted [It will view all primary and extended-logical drives] Next give print command to view..

123. getenforce [check selinux disable or enabled

124. iptables -L

125. cat /var/log/messages | grep DHCPACK [Check all Client connected DHCP server]

126. scp vnc-4_1_3-x86_linux.rpm root@ [Copy to Remote System]

127. HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d/%m/%y %T " [Check History with time and date]
Thanks and Regards,
Sandeep CC

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